Stephanie Freadhoff
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As a Realtor with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, my top priority is to help clients obtain their goal of home ownership. Whether buying or selling their first home or one of many that they will own over the course of their lives, my twenty six years of sales experience (10 of those years in the mortgage industry) enables me to negotiate the best possible outcome for them. Expect unsurpassed personal commitment and dedication from a true professional. See why my clients consider me a valued consultant and recommend me to their family, friends and associates. Experience True Excellence in Real Estate.
I look forward to talking to you soon!
- Military Relocation Professional (MRP)
- Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE)
As a Realtor with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, my top priority is to help clients obtain their goal of home ownership. Whether buying or selling their first home or one of many that they will own over the course of their lives, my twenty six years of sales experience (10 of those years in the mortgage industry) enables me to negotiate the best possible outcome for them. Expect unsurpassed personal commitment and dedication from a true professional. See why my clients consider me a valued consultant and recommend me to their family, friends and associates. Experience True Excellence in Real Estate.
I look forward to talking to you soon!
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An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate.
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Elevated Living Real Estate, 29029 Upper Bear Creek Road Suite 104, Evergreen, CO, 80439, (303) 670-3232, info@bhhselevated.com