Mark Footer
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Mark Footer, Broker Owner and fearless leader for 15+ years, has made a significant impact in the real estate industry. Beyond his role in creating a successful office, Mark and his team have actively contributed to the community as leaders and philanthropists. Serving on numerous boards, including those for schools, recreation districts, fine arts, and Realtors, they have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing the mountain community. Mark and his team are involved in various leadership positions, ranging from high school sports announcers to church elders, fostering a sense of unity and support. Recognizing the importance of community engagement, they believe in giving back and cherishing the unique qualities that define the mountain communities they serve. Mark Footer and his team are honored to play an integral role in supporting and strengthening the fabric of their cherished community.
Mark Footer, Broker Owner and fearless leader for 15+ years, has made a significant impact in the real estate industry. Beyond his role in creating a successful office, Mark and his team have actively contributed to the community as leaders and philanthropists. Serving on numerous boards, including those for schools, recreation districts, fine arts, and Realtors, they have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing the mountain community. Mark and his team are involved in various leadership positions, ranging from high school sports announcers to church elders, fostering a sense of unity and support. Recognizing the importance of community engagement, they believe in giving back and cherishing the unique qualities that define the mountain communities they serve. Mark Footer and his team are honored to play an integral role in supporting and strengthening the fabric of their cherished community.
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Elevated Living Real Estate, 29029 Upper Bear Creek Road Suite 104, Evergreen, CO, 80439, (303) 670-3232, info@bhhselevated.com